
A week and a half ago, it was REALLY chilly here for August (never got warmer than 60 a few days) so I was in the…

Sep 23, 2017 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

A week and a half ago, it was REALLY chilly here for August (never got warmer than 60 a few days) so I was in the Oktoberfest mood a little early. Andouille sausage cooked in a little beer with Boar’s Head sauerkraut (that dark color on the kraut is the pan juice from the sausage). Fantastic!

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  1. Shaun Op Thomas Prime |

    It’s been oddly chilly here as well and that looks prefect for the weather.

    Had sauerbraten for the first time yesterday.

    It, along with the sauerkraut and ginger sour cream sauce, was homemade.

    Oh good gahd were they amazing.

  2. amy campbell |

    Apples consumed with the peel are excellent sources of fiber and a small uncooked apple is 18 to 25 carbs.When I cook apples I cook and consume them peel and all Bobbi Jo Woods​ . I understand that with diabetes that most fruits are to be avoided, I was surprised to find the relatively low carb content of the apple.

  3. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Yep, I studied the glycemic index of many foods about a year before going keto and learned about apples and all other foods’ fiber content effects on blood sugar. I tried to follow a low GI diet before when I was still on diabetes meds and I still had high blood sugar no matter how “clean” I ate O:

    I eat 20 net grams carbohydrate/day, so I couldn’t afford even just one apple in my allotment. It’s not a big deal for me anyway, as I don’t miss them!

  4. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    I’m over a year into having changed my lifestyle to the ketogenic way, and it’s the only thing that works for me to keep my diabetes at bay, and normalize my blood pressure and cholesterol. In addition to being off insulin/oral diabetes meds, I’m also no longer needing my blood pressure meds, cholesterol blockers, and statins. The weight loss is really a bonus. Aside from adhesive capsulitis, aka frozen shoulder—which I think is related to too many years of hyperglycemia and started before I was more than a few months into keto—I feel 17 again. I don’t huff and puff or get hot/sweaty red-faced/tired at all anymore when I do any exercise (that was actually as of 15 lbs off and I have been at a lower weight before and had that be a problem so it’s not the weight loss affecting how I feel when I exercise). I can walk 4 miles in about an hour and don’t get tired/start to sweat a little ’til I get home.


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