How much do you love blueberries? I seem to buy a pint per week and have a handful at least, a day.
How much do you love blueberries? I seem to buy a pint per week and have a handful at least, a day.
Lemony Greek-style chicken salad pita pockets – I love using the excuse at lunch time that it’s summer, so I don’t have to “cook”. To me, summer means more fresh fruits and vegetables I wouldn’t get to enjoy as much in the winter, since they aren’t as plentiful. BUT, if you cheat like me, there’s ways around it…see notes at bottom
1 cooked chicken breast, diced
Small fresh sweet onion, sliced
1/2 cup thinly sliced cucumber
1 cup tender greens like butter lettuce, oak leaf, chard, spinach, etc.
1/4 C crumbled feta
1/2 tsp freshly cracked black pepper
1/4 cup plain yogurt
2 TB mayonnaise or your fave whipped sandwich spread/dressing
1/2 tsp dried oregano leaves
Juice of half a small lemon
Couple dashes of garlic powder
More freshly cracked black pepper, to taste
Slice cucumber and onion. Drizzle a bit of juice on the diced chicken and season with cracked black pepper to taste, set aside. Dice chicken.
Whisk all the dressing ingredients in a medium sized bowl, then add the sliced cucumber, onion, and chicken*. Split a pita bread into 2 halves, then split them open into a pocket (you can lightly toast them if you like, but make sure they are still flexible–I don’t do this step, it’s a preference).
Line each pita pocket with the greens, then spoon in half the chicken salad into each, top with feta, sprinkle with freshly cracked pepper. Serve immediately.
Cheats – If you hate chopping and have a food processor or mandolin, this is all pretty quick work, or you can have these things all ready like I usually do, for throwing together salads…I whipped this lunch up in about 20 minutes (still had to chop the chicken and wash the greens). My lunch was half the recipe, so this would serve two.
Another cheat: Today, I used the chicken breast from my local grocer deli – they make an amazing grilled chicken. I’ll use the other chopped half in a salad later.
*You can chill this mixture overnight for the flavors to meld together better, or you can add it right to your sandwich.
Pretty easy guess as to what I’m going to make for lunch…
Not quite dinner time here, but …who cares!
Homemade roasted red pepper hummus
Recipe: http://toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/2013/06/roasted-red-pepper-hummus/
Whipped up and lovely. Had to add a bit more garlic, lemon, and spice to take the bitter edge off of the tahini. This is a 7-cup container (filled to maybe 5 or 5 1/2) contains half a batch of roasted red pepper hummus o.O
Might have to share, I’ll be eating hummus for two weeks 🙂
Chickpeas are cooked…