
Been enjoying asparagus at dinner a couple times this week since it’s been so cheap.

Mar 15, 2018 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

Been enjoying asparagus at dinner a couple times this week since it’s been so cheap… with bunless burgers. Usually ground chuck, but I also have salmon burgers, and turkey ones I buy frozen by the 6 pack and fry them in a little bacon fat.

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  1. Gabrielle M. |

    Yum. Do you make a dill sauce with your salmon patties? I love dill sauce.

    Ironically I just posted something on salmon patties. ( Dave made them last night).

    I love asparagus, too. Drool

  2. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Gabrielle M. nah these aren’t like salmon cakes. Just burgers. The same ones you can get at Costco. I fry them in coconut oil and then a little chili garlic sauce and coconut aminos (basically a sweet, sticky, spicy glaze but no sugar—coconut aminos are a lot like soy sauce, but sweeter)

  3. Gabrielle M. |

    Bobbi Jo Woods it was a generic question since you mentioned you make salmon patties too. I’m addicted to dill sauce w/ my salmon patties.

    I’m drooling none-the-less. ( Dave didn’t cook tonight. Lol )

  4. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Gabrielle M. yep I’ve made patties too. An egg, a little mayo, some red pepper flake, onion, fry it up. Yum. I like them topped with Dijon mustard or with my homemade hot pickle mayo.

  5. Paula Moore |

    Mixed butter with dill and smeared it on the salmon fillet. Baked at 350 for 10 minutes, then tossed the asparagus into the pan and baked 10 minutes more. Nom!

  6. Gregory Bagshaw |

    Oh ffs i’m in bloody hospital and your showing me edible food, ima sue your ass for cruelty. Meh no matter the hospital food is edible but only because chemo makes everything taste the same, sorta like sucking on a copper coin.


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