
Dealing with what’s on sale/in season at the moment, and remembering what I have on hand has been the best way for…

Oct 11, 2015 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

Dealing with what’s on sale/in season at the moment, and remembering what I have on hand has been the best way for me to plan!

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  1. Motavis Jones |

    I know for me it’s always hard to plan for 1.  Without the food going bad before feeling like eating the same thing again O.o Will check out blog. 🙂

  2. Motavis Jones |

    Bobbi Jo Woods well more like the ingredients. For example 3 day old anything. Like hamburger meat, chicken, all that stuff just not great after 3 days. I even go and get the newer stuff in the back. 

  3. Motavis Jones |

    Bobbi Jo Woods I need to get on the freezer bag train. Just that stuff tastes like freezer stuff. I guess I need to be less picky or figure out the proper way to unthaw and cook them.

  4. Motavis Jones |

    Bobbi Jo Woods any freezer I have had it just doesn’t thaw right or has a smell. I have 2 baking soda for freezer in it but don’t think it helps. O.o

  5. Shani H |

    Try charcoal for freezer smells (from the pet store). I tie mine in a mesh bag, but a container with vent holes would work.

    I don’t really like leftovers (eating the same thing all week), I don’t mind freezing them, but the fridge in my new(ish) apt is too small. It can’t hold all my baking stuff (flour, nuts), frozen uncooked food and leftovers. 🙁

    My family did what this blog did. Sunday evening was the big “fancy” meal, Monday was leftovers of that, Tuesday was ground beef, Wed was some type of stew or long cooking meal (stuffed cabbage or bittermelon), Thurs was chicken, Friday was fish, I can’t remember what Saturday was lol. Sunday lunch was anything leftover from the week that the couple of people who stayed home to work the farm didn’t eat.

  6. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    About once a week I usually make at  least 2-3 different things to eat–so I have different leftovers to eat–not the same dish all week.  Plus, I have lots of ready to eat things I can grab for a quick snack or to throw a salad or sammich together like cut up carrots, celery, broccoli, snap peas, small tomatoes, cucumbers, cottage cheese, various lettuces, cheeses, at least 2 or 3 different salad dressings, so my lunches are never boring or the same thing. Leftover beans, rice, onions, tomatoes can also be put together with some chicken broth for a fast soup or casserole topped with some cheese or just heated up with a corn tortilla on the side. Turkey and flourless bread w/roasted pepper or pickle slices with spinach or lettuce will make a great sammich. Then I always have a batch of some kind of soup or stew I made or a hunk of roast meat. Never the same things twice.

  7. Shani H |

    I’m not good with cooking small portions or fresh vegetables. I mean to cook something, then I end up tired or I don’t feel like it or I have lunch leftovers 🙁

  8. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    I work eleven days a week. JK LOL

    I’m sure I have more time. Plus, working at home means I can be roasting squash or simmering soup that I start in between work tasks. Since I don’t buy fast food and stuff in packages, aside from the occasional can of tomatoes, and bagged brown rice/barley/beans and tuna – I gotta do all the cookin’.

  9. Motavis Jones |

    Shani H oh, to have one of those keepers of the house. 🙂 The list would be long. I have a lot of organizing I am doing now and it’s hard going I don’t need this just throw it out. I am working on it. I have about 10 bins(boxes) to go through. 

  10. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    I’ve never had a housekeeper. I hired one cleaning lady once, in July, and she quit before I could have her come back again because of her relationship with the landlord – which was was over after her first session

  11. Motavis Jones |

    Bobbi Jo Woods I have trust issues with my music equipment. I won’t even let people borrow them anymore. Not sure I could trust someone in the house alone or with me here and not feel like something was missing hehe

  12. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    I was right here and my whole apartment is probably the size of maybe 2 of your rooms at your house. So I could see her the whole time. I don’t have trust issues. I actually trust too much, which can be a downfall.

  13. Shani H |

    Lol Beej 🙂 actually, I had (have) PTO to burn so I am starting the slow purge and organizing. I dumped 75% of my books, most of which were cookbooks (gasp), next step is to organize financial papers to scan and shred the rest. Been thinking about a cleaning service once a month or once a quarter.

    I like the idea of cooking things quickly 🙂 I’ve never used a pressure cooker, ever; never seen one in use either so that probably encourages my hesitation. But since it’s just me, the idea of tossing stuff in to cook while I shower or do chores sounds awesome.

  14. Motavis Jones |

    Bobbi Jo Woods I have my stuff catalogued and labels on it. So I can at least be like hey that’s mine. Though most that play in the studio I have known for over 7 years.  I learned from letting someone’s friend borrow a drum machine and they never returned it nor said they would pay for it being lost. $400 is four hundred dollars! hehe

  15. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Sounds like me, I have a bit of purging of things to do as well. 

    As much as it may sound like I spend hours in the kitchen every day, I don’t. In fact, tomorrow will be my cooking day because it should be fairly light for work, and so today all I’ve really done was wash and chop some veggies and wash dishes, tidy up the kitchen in general. Because of today’s heat, which I wasn’t expecting, I put off turning on the oven so I just had salads and leftovers today. Tomorrow, I’ll roast the carrots and squash for a butternut squash soup, along with some garlic and onion, and then also roast a top pork loin on top of some other squash, onions, and green beans (, and maybe make a batch of soup. It’s either going to be this one:, or this one: (but not with pasta, with pearled barley)

  16. Shani H |

    I made some butternut squash soup last week! And…….4 portions in the freezer. Sigh. I’ve been doing black rice, some type of veggie (either green beans or broccoli, frozen) and some type of protein. Simple and easy.

  17. Gianni Smitty |

    We cook every day for dinner (lunch is whatever, something fast) and the only “planning” is when the wifey asks if I want anything specific. Leftovers( some things taste better the following day) are a lunch thing and the pressure cooker is used for meat or a fast kinda soup. Honestly more time is spent tidying up afterwards than the preparation of the meal.


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