
Homemade turkey soup going slow and low (second batch), then going into freezer containers for presents for my…

Dec 12, 2017 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

Homemade turkey soup going slow and low (second batch), then going into freezer containers for presents for my family. Tons of meat fell off the bones I cooked so far—still so many bones in freezer bags—they’re from a 17 lb bird (Mom had 17 people at Thanksgiving!). Lots of broth, celery, carrot, onion, fresh sage, black pepper, and a little snipped rosemary.

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  1. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Sure is yummy. I never got into these things when I was a kid. But to me now? It’s like heaven in a bowl. I guess our tastes change.

    Was warm and snowy this morning in St. Paul (35 is very warm for us in winter) but then it all melted and got down to 14F, really windy, and all the melting got iced over so yeah…totally soup weather

  2. Gabrielle M. |

    Bobbi Jo Woods It sounds like your weather is headed our way. Snow tonight with 25-30 MPH winds starting at daybreak.

    1 to 3 inches of snow expected on Wednesday. I hope it won’t be windy or we will get drifts here in flat NW Ohio.

    Yes. Soup Weather for sure.

  3. Sue T. |

    I’ve put thyme recently because I read a recipe but I never used anything other than salt, pepper, paprika and the carrots, onion, chicken and parsley. Oh and a boullion cube.

  4. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    It’s just the TEENIEST amount of rosemary for MANY quarts of soup – I think I picked off two pinches of leaves off a twig and chopped them very finely. Otherwise, it gives too much of a pine-y taste to whatever I make. I put a shit ton of it in garlic/herb butter and stuff though

  5. Sue T. |

    I thought it was garlic/butter as in one AND the other. I never heeeard of Garlic butter either! Lol I’ve seen garlic bread with garlic chunks/minced with butter toasted in the oven but not garlic butter, butter. Lol

    HOW MY Supposed to know what you meant! Squeeesh

  6. Sue T. |

    I used to but not how to make stuff food channels. I used to watch that guy who traveled all over the world eating funky stuff a lot but not since then. 🙂


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