
How do you do your dressing?

Jan 03, 2016 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

How do you do your dressing? Ran across this while Googling whether simple oil and vinegar dressings need refrigeration. For me, olive oil tends to clump in the fridge, so I usually take out my jar of homemade dressing and set it on the counter for a bit, but sometimes if I’m in a hurry to eat a salad, say, at lunch time during the workday, I don’t always have time to wait, or I forget. Keeping the oil and vinegar separate and just dressing the salad when I want to eat it seems to help settle the issue for me. But now the bigger question left, was whether to dress the salad with the vinegar first, or the oil. Which do you do? Or do you prefer to make a dressing and keep it in the fridge, or make one on the spot and emulsify it before dressing your salad?

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  1. Gianni Smitty |

    Our salad dressing is always olive oil and vinegar or lime and salt. Grew up hearing my mum saying that a salad should be “light”, a gust of wind is supposed to blow away a salad.

    Olive oil first, salt and the last thing is vinegar. Vinegar “cooks” the lettuce so we believe it should be last.


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