
I can’t stop eating cucumbers and tomatoes with onions and feta!

Feb 24, 2016 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

I can’t stop eating cucumbers and tomatoes with onions and feta! I’m just sick of squash and root veg. I know, it’s not summer. So the tomatoes right now in MN are shit because they come shipped not-so-fresh, and the hydroponic ones grown locally taste like nothing (which is what I have here). 

I took about 1/2 cup of those POMI tomatoes in the box and whirred them in the food processor with a clove of garlic, a little bit equal parts olive oil and red wine vinegar, some sea salt, lots of fresh cracked black pepper and that’s how I made the tomato red wine vinaigrette I’ve been eating with my salads the last couple weeks. 

The cucumbers are also not from here, they’re the great big English variety though (hothouse, seedless) and sooo good! Yeah, the slices look a little sad, ’cause I cut up the veggies and poured a bit of the dressing on, to let it sit in the fridge overnight, then added the feta at lunch time. Still good.

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  1. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Also, thanks for that. Would you say the salad is mostly a kale salad with the stuff on top being, um…on top? The photo is making me think that. Or would you say the ingredients are about equal in volume? 


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