Keto French toast & maple syrup

keto french toast and sugar-free maple syrup

I hate sounding cliche, but this keto French toast is a game-changer.  I’ve never been a sweet tooth, but I could not resist trying this version of faux French toast that’s been going around on the interwebs for the last few months (that I’m aware of) and getting RAVE reviews, so I was keen to do some further research.

What I found is that there is a recipe that’s been around in the low carb & keto circles for awhile, called egg loaf. I think I first heard about egg loaf online this fall when I noticed a ton of Instagram posts about it. The egg loaf is a 3-ingredient, simply mix & bake affair. Even the most lazy of keto and low carb dieters have been making it, and they say it reminds them of French toast and to some, it’s close enough. While reading some recipes’ reviews though, the thing that clearly put some folks into the camp of “DAMN CLOSE to French toast” was when they took a slice of egg loaf and fried it in butter in a saute pan until it was browned and crisp on the outside, and THEN served it.

I was tempted to try to make this keto French toast, because as someone who isn’t really wild about the taste of eggs on their own, I figured why not? Why not, indeed. Holy breakfast switcheroo! Move over, bacon & eggs, you have competition. I would have been fooled that this wasn’t actually made with bread. And it’s great with sugar-free maple syrup! It can also be doubled (see notes on increased baking time) and freezes beautifully. Here is your keto French toast:

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter, softened
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
4 large eggs
2 tablespoons coconut flour (not necessary, but gives it more texture)
Nutmeg and/or cinnamon to taste (I always use nutmeg in my French toast batter!)
Vanilla extract to taste
Sweetener to taste (I left it out)

Preheat oven to 350 F.

Beat all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl to make your keto French toast custard/batter. The batter will be slightly thin like pancake batter, and may still be a bit lumpy, but that’s OK – the butter and cream cheese will melt. Pour the batter into a greased and parchment-lined loaf pan or other square / rectangular baking dish (the batter may not stick very much since it’s all fat, but the parchment helps lift it out easier).

Bake 25-35 minutes until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean (if doubling the recipe, be sure to bake at least 35-40 minutes). When done, it will be kind of an eggy pound cake consistency.

Remove from pan and let the egg loaf rest to cool a few minutes. Slice and serve with butter and/or any other toppings, at this point, if you like.

keto egg loaf for French toast
Here’s what the egg loaf looks like when I pulled it out of the oven!

But if you’re really looking for a faux French toast… add some butter to a medium hot skillet and fry each side in the butter until slightly crisp outside.

Serve with your favorite toppings or sugar-free maple syrup.

Freezing leftovers
I have frozen 1/2 a regular sized batch (2 slices) of the baked egg loaf, and when I decided I would plan to have some keto French toast the next morning, I thawed the slices in the fridge overnight, then fried them in butter. It took a few minutes longer to fry the cold thawed slices than it did the day of baking, of course. I have not yet tried frying and then freezing the slices to reheat and eat, so let me know in the comments if you have, whether you microwaved or re-fried the toast, and what your results were. I imagine that it would make this an even more valuable recipe if servings could easily be zapped in the microwave for a faster breakfast on weekday mornings!

There’s TONS more breakfast recipes in my ebook, Diabetic to Ketogenic: Reclaim Your Health With Real Food

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