
Made a cheesy cauliflower bake the other day. Recipe/nutrition data in comments.

Jul 28, 2017 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

Made a cheesy cauliflower bake the other day. Recipe/nutrition data in comments.

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  1. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Gabrielle M. thanks, can’t remember where I got it. Have had it ages. I love baking a small but deep casserole in it. Used to be my fruit bowl LOL.

  2. Sue T. |

    Bobbi Jo Woods Yes but if I hadn’t commented, I wouldn’t have remembered to come back when home, to copy it.

  3. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Also, yes, there is a typo in the recipe (it was the cream cheese), but it’s user-submitted data a lot of the time. I choose the items w/the accurate nutrition info, sometimes they’re spelled incorrectly, and in grams, sometimes in ounces. I use a food scale and measuring cups to do everything.

  4. Sue T. |

    Gabrielle M. Haahah! Will there be chocolate? I have one on my dash to pick up an antibiotic prescription. It’s been there a week. Apparently, I’m not “that” much in need of it.

  5. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Tanya G I haven’t had mac & cheese in years, so I won’t say yes or no. You should like cauliflower to like this. As for me, I’m not trying to replace mac & cheese, I just wanted to use it up before buying more. As for me, I think it’s really good. I prefer to just steam cauliflower and put homemade red sauce on top.


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