
Made another quiche last night.

Jun 09, 2017 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

Made another quiche last night. Asparagus, mushrooms, and three cheeses. I’ll let you guess which three (the combo may make you may think I’m crazy!)

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  1. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    I meant your choice of words to describe the cheese you don’t like…I’m not going to repeat them as I would like to keep my appetite for lunch

  2. Gabrielle M. |

    Bobbi Jo Woods All the cheeses you used smell fantastic though! None resemble that association I made.

    I thought you’d get a chuckle out of article. I’m such a failure. ?

  3. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    I hadn’t read the article yet. I bet I’d like it. I love reading about cheese. Just not hearing about how it reminds people of body parts that need washing

  4. Gabrielle M. |

    Awesome! We will have to find their facility and try their products. Amish rock! We’ve never been disappointed with anything we’ve purchased from them here in Ohio. Furniture included!

    We also enjoy the trip down there. NW Ohio is so flat….. We head southeast and within 40 minutes we have hills.

  5. cobalt please |

    Gabrielle M. I sooo miss living in Iowa where I could go to Amish or Mennonite stores or buy dairy goods straight from farmhouses. And the Kalona Cheese Factory in particular is missed by my family here in Arizona. Never heard of any Amish here. Sad.

  6. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Gabrielle M. IKR? I have a friend at one of the offices job I had decades ago. who would visit an Amish family that lived near Cashton, Wisc. We would bring in egg cartons to the office for her to donate to the family for their hens eggs. The wife made awesome cashew brittle, quilts, and pecan pies that we’d all buy like mad. I’m pretty sure we kept those folks doing well. They were able to buy a ringer washer with the money!

  7. Gabrielle M. |

    cobalt please You should order from either Bobbi’s link, or mine listed above. Both are verified as delicious cheeses! ?

    I miss fresh seafood from my home State. I know your pain.

  8. Gabrielle M. |

    Bobbi Jo Woods Ringer washer…. Can you imagine?

    I love seeing all the quilts hung on clotheslines when we visit. Or…. The young girls beating the dust and hell out of the rag rugs.

    Beautiful area.


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