More pickled jalapeños (I bought so many at the farmers market this summer)
More pickled jalapeños (I bought so many at the farmers market this summer)

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More pickled jalapeños (I bought so many at the farmers market this summer)
Looks good. You putting any up for sale?
Nah. I only made 5 pints and gave away two. These are not a canning recipe, so they last a month in the fridge, tops.
Bobbi Jo Woods a whole month? I would chow that in less time! Looks delicious. Thank you for sharing
They get so much hotter in the jar, IDK how or why. I can only eat so many in a day lol
I’ve taken to making salsa with them, putting them in eggs, etc.
I had them in a clam sauce on pasta the other night. Noms! Do you ferment them, or use vinegar?
Just vinegar and salt