Pickles made today, now going to sit in the fridge a couple days. Real sign of summer at my house
Pickles made today, now going to sit in the fridge a couple days. Real sign of summer at my house
Recipe: https://plus.google.com/+BobbiJoWoods/posts/aTXNQDT5bgi
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100X better than bought.
those look delish.
Lol Sorry. Here you go…
Attn: Catherine Wakeling!
We use about the same recipe. They are the bestest ever.
Aren’t they tho?
I had to put off making these ’til this week because my usual grocery chain was OUT of dill! My cukes almost didn’t make it. They were going to get soft if I put them off ’til say, tomorrow. But I found dill sprigs at a different store, so yay!