Saw this idea awhile back and finally did it.
Saw this idea awhile back and finally did it. Love it. Not spending $1.00 per bunch again on scallions, when I can get new ones fresh every day for free.
Instructions w/video:

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Looks way to easy 🙂 Looks like EB egg containers as well.
I did this with some leeks celery.
My grandpa use to do this ?
Angie Person how’d they turn out?
Cutting the tops of them EB things was NOT easy, Motavis Jones
The Brothers Green on YouTube just have a glass of water with scallions and various fresh green herbs like parsley and cilantro thrown in and just snip them off with scissors.
Guess who already knew that?
Bobbi Jo Woods that had to be hard to do as it caves in erry time 🙂 I miss getting eggs from our chicken coop.
This is basically how we stay in onions, garlic, leeks, scallions, potatoes and sweet-potatoes. It’s why, when at the farm market, we look for items that still have their roots/shoots/etc. attached rather than the ones that have been “prettied up”.
You grow potatoes hydroponically?
We start them that way, then take the slips out and plant them in garden beds. Hydropinc is ok for some things, but growing in soil really helps the flavor-profiles of most things. Our soil tends to make for very angry onions/garlic/peppers. Growing in the garden box also tends to result in bigger potatoes and sweet potatoes.
Hmm. I rent. Wonder if I can have small boxes or beds above ground here.
Do you have a balcony or porch with a railing? They make small planter boxes that are designed to go over your railings. They work well for us (along with my wife’s sun chair on the upper deck, she put rail-boxes up so she could have herb-scent surrounding her).
No I am on the garden level, so just sidewalk and yard. No railings of any kind.
You could always try doing a pallet-garden?
It maximizes the space you do have.
It’s not my space. I’d have to ask.
Oh this is Hilarious someone must have me blocked because it totally looks like Bobbi Jo Woods is talking to herself.
Weird, Megan V
Bobbi Jo Woods meh I don’t care but at first I was confused because I kept getting notifications and I’m like.. Why am I getting notifications and it’s just Bobbi talking to herself? Huh? Lol
IDK these people
Bobbi Jo Woods the leeks grew really quickly. The celery grew a bit, then molded :-(. Prob my fault.
I totally have Megan V blocked…