
Spaghetti squash & meatballs for lunch yesterday and today

Apr 01, 2017 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

Spaghetti squash & meatballs for lunch yesterday and today

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  1. Sue T. |

    Is there a brief explanation as to how you make sketti squash? I boil it usually and it’s SO fking bland, cept w/butter and some salt.

  2. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Sue T. yep, meatballs. I cheated though…these are frozen beef ones from the store. My squash always turns out firm and soaks up the flavor of the sauce (I mixed it up really well after I take the pic). Here’s what I do: I take a 2 to 2.5 lb squash and wash it and score the skin on the outside with a knife since it’s too hard to cut (for me) horizonally. So lay it down on the counter and it looks like you sliced a football in half the long way. Then I stick it in the microwave just like that, for 4 minutes. Take it out with pot holders and will see a little liquid escaped and foamed up around the seam you made. Let it cool a few minutes (or use oven mitts to handle it), then finish the job of slicing it open by following along the seam you made before, it should be easy and smooth. Then scoop out the seeds and lay it flesh-side down into a glass deep platter or shallow wide bowl/small casserole dish with about 1/2 to 1 inch of water on the bottom, then nuke it some more for 8-10 minutes. I take it out and drain the water and turn the squash right-side up and then shred the flesh with a fork into a bowl, top with sauce, and add cheese, etc. and zap some more (if the sauce wasn’t already hot).

  3. Sue T. |

    Oh yah? I’ve usually scooped the seeds out prior to cooking the squash. Boiled, then scooped out the insides. Hmmm… Me’be I’ll get some squash I have sauce in the fridge and meatballs are (a pain in the ass) easy to make. :))


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