
Sticky garlics! Now I remember why I like buying it in the jar, already minced. No vampires in this kitchen!

Oct 12, 2015 Posted in Ketolishus 0 Comments

Sticky garlics! Now I remember why I like buying it in the jar, already minced. No vampires in this kitchen!

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  1. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Crush/smearing garlic makes it more pungent and to easy to burn. I wanted to add this to a soup, but saute it a bit, first. Sauteeing crushed garlic makes it burn (in my experience)

  2. Gianni Smitty |

    Haha what’s wrong wif jaggedy chunks? This is prolly the 1st time I use the word “jaggedy” lol!

    Small pieces is ok but what’s the point of using garlic if ya can’t bite into it.

    Chunks all da way, our cooking is rather rustic and we rarely remove the garlic skin.

  3. Bobbi Jo Woods |

    Jaggedy is a fun word.

    I wanted small little pieces spread out in the soup so I could get a few minces in each bite 🙂

    We just have different styles. No biggie.

  4. Gianni Smitty |

    You must try whole cloves! Sinking your teef in a whole clove is glorious!

    I don’t mind different cooking styles, I still want to marry you ?

  5. Gianni Smitty |

    No no no noooooo, not raw Ms. Bobbi Jo…must be cooked, soft, melts in your mouf. My nonna used to have a home remedy for colds wif whisky and raw garlic but that’s another story haha!

    “Taken”? Where dafuq have I been taken to?

    Marry meeeeeeeeee Ms. Bobbi Jo!!!!!! Make gorgeous food for me and I’ll entertain you wif my guitar ?

  6. Gianni Smitty |

    Ya know da clove you toss into pasta when da water is boiling? That’s the best kinda garlic to eat. Normal people toss it out.

    You don’t wanna marry me cus I’m a garlic connoisseur ?

  7. Gianni Smitty |


    My garlic knowledge has scared you off. I shall refrain and keep my knowledge to myself. You’re afraid of da garlic breath.

    I won’t refrain from proposing though. Marryyyyyy meeeeeee Ms. Bobbi Jo…we shall make beautiful dishes together!


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