Sweet & Spicy Zuccini Relish adds zing to things like burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, and more.
I never made relish before, so I was really excited to try my hand at making it and canning it.
This particular version is a zucchini relish AND is sugar-free and low carb. I hope you enjoy it.
Brine Mix:
10 cups grated or finely diced zucchini
3 jalapenos, finely diced
3 cups onion, finely diced
1 sweet bell pepper, finely diced
5 tablespoons salt
Mix above ingredients together and and let sit, covered, 6 hours minimum, or until the liquid has been drawn out from the diced vegetables.
Drain thoroughly in a colander, and wring inside a dish towel if desired, for the driest result.
In a large sauce pan, combine the drained soaked veggies along with:
2 1/2 cups vinegar
(I used equal parts apple cider vinegar & white vinegar)
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
4 cups Allulose (or to taste)
(or 4 cups monk fruit, granular
Dry Spice Mix:
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp celery seed
1 TB mustard seed
(or use 2 TB pickling spice in place of the above spices)
1/4 tsp Glucomannan powder
1/4 tsp Xanthan gum (optional)
Bring mixture to the boil and continue boiling for 15 minutes.
(to replace the usual cornstarch in traditional relish recipes):
Glucomannan powder
Sprinkle the Glucomannan powder over the mixture, stir, and remove from heat. Let sit for about 3 minutes, and then stir with a whisk. Mixture should be no longer watery, but slightly gelled, like a gravy or a runny jam.
Xanthan gum
Dust the top of the hot mixture with the xanthan gum and whisk it in well, stirring constantly for a couple of minutes, while reducing heat to a simmer. Then turn off heat and continue stirring until mixture is thickened (it will be slightly gelled, like a gravy or a runny jam).
Pour hot liquid over jars, leaving 1 1/2 inches head space.
Wipe jar rims, and place lids and bands.
At this point, if you are not canning the product for shelf preservation, place the hot jars on a towel-lined flat surface such as a counter top or table, spaced apart, and right-side-up. Leave them to cool completely for no less than 12 hours. Then place in the fridge and consume within 2 months. They are not shelf stable.
For preserving:
Process in water bath canner for 15 minutes, or per your local instructions. You can test the jars for full seal in about 12-24 hours. My test is that I just remove the band and then see if I can pick the jar up by the seal alone, that’s how I know it’s sealed. These should store for 12-18 months unopened.
Makes 6 pints.
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