(image: David Dees)
This is a commentary on the health of Americans being poor largely based on industrial production of toxic oils used as food.
Toxic Sludge & the fattening of America. If you saw my “Foods to avoid on keto” purge list, you may already know how I feel about the standard diet in the west…
In this post, I include links to content about this topic, because it would be silly of me to to write it all up again since each resource speaks for itself. And very powerfully so.
These are not in any order except by way of how I think these things are linked. The first one is first because it’s the shortest, in this era of short attention spans.
Why Is Vegetable Oil In Everything? – By Analyze & Optimize
Before the 1890s, Western society only consumed animal fats: Tallow, suet, lard, and butter. There were no vegetable oils we know of today, such as soybean or canola oil used in cooking, as they simply did not exist.
The video above is a quick but helpful overview of the history and corruption behind processed oils and how to avoid them.
Additionally helpful, if you’re a data/science geek – here is a lecture (under 30 minutes) by the same presenter on what exactly vegetable oils do to the body and shows the science of the processes.
The Oiling of America – by Mary Enig & Presented by Sally Fallon-Morrell
While spending most of my free time frantically researching ways to fix my type 2 diabetes after doing everything I was told by my doctor for 8 years, I stumbled upon this. This is the main video which opened my eyes enough to want to learn more. It got me on the path to taking my health into my own hands (something we should all be able to do).
PS – Yes, this is a long video. Thankfully, there’s not much you need to watch, it’s one of those with very few visuals, so you can have it on in the background while doing other things.
It was this same video that introduced me to the Weston A. Price Foundation, which exists to raise awareness and embrace/encourage the traditional diets of days gone by, when autoimmune issues stemming from lifestyle were scarcely a thing yet, and neither was diabesity. Weston A. Price was a dental surgeon known for having traveled around the world to study the diets and nutrition habits of different cultures and discover links between nutrition and dental health which also either resulted in optimal physical health or deficiencies.
Fat Head (2009) – Tom Naughton
This movie was one recommended to me by an online search, not too long after watching The Oiling Of America.
I found in entertaining, but also useful in terms of leading me even further down the rabbit hole of what exactly happened in U.S. history to make it so there was this seemingly indisputable notion that fat and meat were bad for us, and where all of the nutritional advice (which I was following most of my life) came in, and why the heck did it make me fat and sick? Fat Head got me wanting to figure out how to eat better to avoid and reverse disease.
Fat Head (2009) – IMDB – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1333994/
Then I found the blog… and it wasn’t long after that, I was convinced it was time for me to try keto…and the rest is history!
Why We Get Fat – And What To Do About It – Gary Taubes
Conventional wisdom says, “eat less, move more.” The problem is that this advice rarely works very well.
This was the first book I read on the subject of better diet for health and most of the people I talk to now who were/are treating their diabetes and other health issues with LCHF/keto not only know about it, they were also first tuned into those dietary approaches after reading this book.
It also led me to find and follow LCHF folks on social media who I’ve come to know and talk to regularly.
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