When you’re cleaning out the fridge and freezer before your next grocery shopping day comes and don’t have any mayo,…
When you’re cleaning out the fridge and freezer before your next grocery shopping day comes and don’t have any mayo, you make some! I made a double batch and threw a chipotle pepper into one of them.
2-minute homemade keto mayo
1 whole egg
1 tablespoon lemon juice or white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 cup of avocado oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
Equipment to gather:
– An immersion blender (stick blender)
– A jar, mug, measuring cup, or other narrow container in which the inside bottom just fits the end of a stick blender without much room around it.
Place the egg, mustard, and vinegar into the cup, in this order. Pour the oil over, and let sit half a minute. Place the immersion blender into the mug all the way down into the bottom, and without moving it, blend 15-30 seconds. While blending, angle the blender ever so slightly, to allow the oil to go through to the egg, and you will see the emulsion begin. Keep blending with the blender and move it up and down slowly until the mayo is to your desired thickness. It should stand pretty firmly when fully emulsified. Add salt to taste and stir. Will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for about a week or more.
Makes about 1 cup, or 8 one-ounce servings.
If your mayo is too runny, it never emulsified. Let it stand long enough to separate, and try again.

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And here we are ….. lol Thanks for tip